Nicholas Seibel
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist, AMFT 135947You are in good company here and I am excited to talk with you. A sense of humor goes so far in this life and i use it every day.
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My clients seek highly skilled/ trained elite expert & willing to pay to get that. I help those with sexual misbehaviors change thinking, create better outcomes. 27 years of experience, training in this have me bring superior insights and skills that non specialists do not have, greater experience brings higher to help clients to create lasting change faster improvements towards self management, improved mood and reduced risk 718-208-6135 no emails please
Do you feel heard? Feeling depressed, anxious, and stressed out? You do not have to go through it alone. One thing I pride myself in is listening to my patients. I am a certified Integrative Psychiatric Provider. I offer online telehealth treatment for stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma, eating disorders, and medication management. My goal is to listen to your concerns and work with you to develop personalized, comprehensive care that tailors to your needs using holistic approaches.
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I enjoy working with adults whether new to therapy or those having had previous experience. I work effectively with with a range of problems from debilitating depression or anxiety, relationship problems, or those who are wanting fine tuning and personal growth. With couples, I help to illuminate how problems are co-created and are also informed by each person's history. I have developed a successful protocol to help couples repair conflicts or misunderstandings without anger or withdrawal.