Christine Scher
Psychologist,I'm a clinical psychologist who specializes in scientifically supported treatment of anxiety, depression, and related concerns.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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I work with individuals who want to look inward, explore what is important to them, and learn tools to overcome anxiety, pain, addiction, and trauma, and strive to build a therapeutic alliance based on trust, authenticity, warmth, and ease. Through trust and a strong alliance, I empower my clients to engage with helpful coping skills, improve their relationships, and increase self awareness/compassion to overcome challenges and find peace.
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I understand that life’s challenges can feel overwhelming and isolating. My goal is to help you feel seen, heard, and empowered to take control of your emotions and relationships. Together, we’ll create a path toward healing and growth, allowing you to live a life that truly reflects your values and aspirations. I am dedicated to helping clients develop effective tools for emotion regulation & interpersonal effectiveness.
You are constantly on the go, juggling two or three things at the same time including the help you offer others because you can’t stop yourself. What will others say to your “No’s, what would they think of you? You fear their judgment. Sometimes, you just want to be left alone. You sometimes snap at people you love and then feel guilty. You don’t enjoy life like you used to. Where is the motivation you had before? I will help you feel more confident and have healthier relationships.
Do you get caught in repetitive unhealthy cycles? Anxious thought loops or the same relationship mistakes over and over? Our fast-paced culture can be challenging for personal growth, but together we can collaborate to find tools that work for you. Whether you are seeking happiness in relationships, anxiety management, healing from trauma or better ways to communicate, we can work together toward your goals.
Claudia is an EMDR certified psychotherapist. Her expertise and training is in trauma recovery, couples counseling and family therapy (including work with youth and teens - issues in adolescence, adoption, foster care). Claudia works with clients who are struggling with depression, anxiety, substance abuse & recovery, migration & acculturation, fertility issues, parenthood & post-partum, spiritual resiliency, grief & loss, chronic illness, and life & career transitions.
You are an adult, teen, or a couple who are highly sensitive empaths and neurodiverse. As creatives and high-achieving professionals, you desire to heal from your childhood attachment injuries and build safe, connected, and meaningful relationships. You've experienced grief and loss, encountered massive life transitions, and carried various obvious and not-so-obvious marginalized identities. You're not looking for temporary bandaids and believe sustainable healing is worth investing in.
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I know what it's like when your mind constantly wanders, except for those times when you get intensely focused on the wrong things, making it hard to pull away. The anxiety of everything you need to do looms over you. At home, everyone expects you to organize their lives while you struggle to organize your own. You feel frustrated for not meeting their expectations and can't comprehend why you can't accomplish things you know you should be able to do. Life feels chaotic and out of control.
Sexuality & pleasure are often stigmatized, this plays into how we feel about ourselves, our bodies and in relation to others. I specialize in sex, and relationship issues with couples/partners towards undoing harmful stories which harm us and create shame. I work from a trauma informed lens to undo and empower. I work with clients to signifcantly reduce distress and undo longer standing concerns.
Are you struggling with feeling inferior; feeling superior; needing to be perfect; feeling you're a burden; or people pleasing? When we grow up in difficult circumstances, we come up with these beliefs/ways of being as a way to help us feel a little more safe. As difficult as it is to hold these beliefs about ourselves, they somehow help us feel better. As we grow up, they create difficulties in our adult relationships.
I work with children, adolescents/teens and adults who may need a little extra support navigating social relationships, building self-esteem, navigating stress or mood changes, or who may be having trouble balancing the demands of school, work, and/or relationships. I also have extensive experience working with individuals and their families that identify as LGBTQIA+ and Neurodivergent.
People seek therapy for so many reasons, but mostly we all want to feel loved, safe & understood. We want to feel a sense purpose & feel good enough as we are & yet so many of us struggle to feel these ways. Sometimes our lives look very different than we imagined & we need help making sense out of things. We might be feeling disconnected or numb, uncertain or alone. We might be questioning who we are or the direction we are heading & need to find some clarity, perspective or hope.
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Are you feeling sad more often than usual? Feeling stress or anxious due to work, family, or school demands? Need someone to talk to about a traumatic event or losing a loved one? If any of the things listed above relates to you, then psychotherapy may help. I admire you for being brave and looking into psychotherapy so give yourself a pat on the back.
I work with clients to help them better navigate their experiences so that they can feel more authentic and aligned as they move through the world. Societal and cultural pressures affect each of us differently. I practice in a way that acknowledges the impact of systemic oppression and intergenerational trauma on individuals and communities. I know that when you walk into the room, you bring with you experiences I've never had and I believe that you are the expert on your own lived experience.
Does your mind jump from one worry to the next? Are you struggling to stay present because you're caught in cycles of anxious rumination? Maybe you doubt every decision you make. You may feel like you're struggling to manage your emotions, like it's hard to bounce back when something goes wrong, and it's causing you to feel bad about yourself. I get it! My goal is to help you break free from cycles of anxiety and doubt, and to build self- trust.
“The problem is the problem. The person is not the problem.” (Michael White, 1989) I am a relational therapist, group & mindfulness facilitator, educator with a 27+ year career dedicated to companioning individuals & families standing up to challenges in health, healing, grief & loss, life transitions. Many need bolstering facing life’s difficult problems - cancer, grief, dogging mood states (circular worry, anxiety/panic, depression), "urban loneliness," coming out, special-needs parenting.
I focus much of my working with LGBTQIA+ folks, particularly gender-expansive, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people. I pride myself in prioritizing diversity in my practice, and hope to help underserved populations of all kinds. I am kink-friendly and informed, and also enjoy working with ethically non monogamous individuals.
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I have extensive experience in providing support to individuals experiencing mild to chronic symptoms of schizophrenia/psychosis, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, violence/aggression, and other severe mental health conditions. You will receive unconditional care in a non-judgmental environment. Whether you are dealing with chronic mental health symptoms or seeking support to achieve your goals, we can collaborate to help manage and stabilize your life.
Are you looking for someone to guide you through life's decision-making pivotal moments? Are you uncertain about which job or career you can settle for? Have you wondered what type of personality you are or what attachment you have? Do you want some clarity in dating or moving forward with the next step in the relationship? Or perhaps you experience panic attacks often, have nightmares, or are hoping to find your community as an immigrant or adult child of immigrant parents? Book a call with me!
We provide kink-queer-affirming psychotherapy, sex & relationship therapy and coaching to individuals, couples, throuples, family, chosen family members, and more. We support your mental health journey and are especially inclusive of lifestyles such as: BIPOC, polyamory/swinger/nonmonogamy, LGBTQIA, genderfluid, sexual/social minorities, kink, BDSM, sex worker communities, intersectionality and variations in and within sexual expression. We offer Trauma Support.